The UUCW Message
September 22, 2020
Please click HERE to scroll to our Faith in Action News - Get Out The Vote!
Check our our new UUCW YouTube Channel!
This Week at UUCW!
This Week at UUCW!

Photo of the Week

The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry celebrated its 25th anniversary on September 19, 2020.  
Posing with the commendation they received from Jean McMurrary (Executive Director of the Worcester County Food Bank) are, front row, from left, Jodi Rymer, Linda Morse, Denise Darrigrand, Jean McMurray, Dianne Mann (Co-Director of Loaves and Fishes) and Betsy Wood (Co-Director of Loaves and Fishes).  
Back row, from left, are Kim Mann, Mary Kilburn, Vickie Cox-Lanyon, Melissa McKeon, Erica Krenis-Peck and Pete Lanyon. (photo by Betty Jenewin)

Please click the Photo to see more Photos of the Week (8 this week!) on our website!
Health & Safety News from UUCW

Good people.  As we continue into the beginning of fall, I want to take a moment to update you on Fall planning.  The Health & Safety Team met last month to discuss the our continuing plans related to COVID-19. 

It has been our hope that this Fall would see a return, in part, to in-person services within the guidelines established by the Commonwealth and continuing to live-stream services for those who wish too attend virtually.  However, given the current state of the pandemic, as well as monitoring plans for local school districts, the team has recommended strongly that we not return in-person in September. 

This was a difficult conversation. Most of us, including me, look forward to gathering together in-person for worship.  However, the Health & Safety Team believes that the current state of the pandemic, including the Governor's call to restrict the size of gatherings, the fact that the current guidelines prohibit pre and post-service gatherings for fellowship, and the fewer number of people we can accommodate in our sanctuary at this time, is not enough of an advantage for in-person gathering for worship, even in part. 

The Team feels, and I concur, that dividing the congregation between in-person and virtual attendees, at this moment, may ultimately diminish the experience most have enjoyed this Spring and Summer. That said, we envision more opportunities this Fall for parts of the service to be conducted from the sanctuary either live or prerecorded.  And the Videography and Tech Teams look forward to trying out the new platform that Bart Hill is constructing in the sanctuary for such purposes.  In addition we will be inviting more people to participate in our services through offering chalice-lightings, readings, solos, etc.

Religious Exploration will continue virtually as well.  The building will be open for small group gatherings. We will continue to offer opportunities to gather virtually regularly throughout the week, and are planning special events, virtual dinners, trivia nights and more.

In the next few weeks construction on our new parking lot will also commence.  We look forward to the creative opportunities to revitalize our property including new landscaping, a new sign (at some point this year) and perhaps a name and address change to boot!  There will be much more discussion about this in the coming months so stay tuned!

In September we will celebrate 250 years of Universalism in America.  We had planned a rescheduling of the 2020 Wolfson Lecture for October, however the Wolfson Lecture Committee has decided to cancel this year's lecture and invite Mandisa Thomas, founder of Black Non-Believers to be the 2021 Lecturer next April. This decision does not diminish the opportunity for another grand celebration! That is, we will honor the 50th Anniversary of Rev. David Miller's Installation as Minister of this congregation on the 1st Sunday in October.  And in June 2021 we will celebrate the 180th Anniversary of the founding of UUCW as The First Universalist Church of Worcester.

These are creative opportunities during this challenging time.  There is, obviously, much more to come.  So stay tuned and stay in touch!  If you want to reach out to me about any of this, please do not hesitate.  I can be reached at, or by calling 508-963-5959. 


Rev. Aaron Payson & the Health & Safety Team

Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 8:30 PM via ZOOM
Another important way that we can draw closer to each other is increase opportunities to "see" each other even if it is over video, and to have a chance to share how we are and any needs that present themselves, as well as have good conversation and fun.

Join Rev. Aaron Payson online every Tuesday and Thursday @ 8:30 pm! 

TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHATS REMOTELY go to Meeting ID: 942 7507 4784. To join by phone dial+1 646 876 9923 and follow the instructions. 

As the church adapts to the challenges of maintaining social distancing during this time of pandemic, many of the opportunities to meet via video conference are being planned using the church's ZOOM accounts. For those who have had difficulty using the ZOOM software, our own Vickie Cox-Lanyon has put together a wonderful short guide to using ZOOM. To view and download the guide, CLICK HERE!

ZOOM Update: Zoom released a required update recently to both mobile and desktop platforms so if you are having trouble connecting to Zoom meetings, you need to update your software. Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to do that.

Regular Office Hours Resume: 
Office hours are Mon, Tues, Wed, from 9 am - 3 pm, Thurs 9 am - 2 pm. Office hours are subject to change based on COVID response necessities..
Gmail Users - Please note that if you stop receiving the Message, Nugget, and Weekend Reminder, check your Promotions tab in Gmail. Often, you will find that church emails (and other emails from Constant Contact) are in there! Please click 
HERE for information on how to get the church emails to stay in your inbox. Please share this information with your fellow congregants if they mention they aren't getting the Message!

Please click the article title for more Office News!

Jennifer Landry, Office Administrator

UUCW has a new Facebook Group "Daily Moments" which was inspired by Rev. Aaron Payson's daily posting of reflections, meditations and prayers this spring.  This group will continue to host daily inspiration and invites all those interested to join the group and share their own inspiration.  To join the group CLICK HERE.  For more information please contact
Join Us For "Touchstones"

UUCW has a new Facebook Group "Touchstones" which features daily inspiration exploring the monthly and annual Touchstones Ministry theme.  For 2020-2021 our Touchstones Theme is "Deepening Connections".  To join the group and begin sharing CLICK HERE

Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 8:30 PM via ZOOM
Another important way that we can draw closer to each other is increase opportunities to "see" each other even if it is over video, and to have a chance to share how we are and any needs that present themselves, as well as have good conversation and fun.
Join Rev. Aaron Payson online every Tuesday and Thursday @ 8:30 pm! 
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHATS REMOTELY go to Meeting ID: 942 7507 4784. To join by phone dial+1 646 876 9923 and follow the instructions. 

Aaron has been posting a daily Moment of Meditation to the church's social media and his own networks.  We have collected these on the church website, please click the article title to go see the September Moments! 

August Moments of Meditation are available HERE.
June Moments of Meditation are available HERE.
May Moments of Meditation are available HERE
April Moments of Meditation are available HERE
March Moments of Meditation are available HERE.
News from UUCW
Upcoming Events at UUCW
(Click the titles or images for more information)

UUCW Trivia Night!
Friday, September 25 @ 7 PM via ZOOM
Single Players $5.00 / Teams (2 or more players) $10.00

Join us for a fun-filled evening of TRIVIA!  We'll gather virtually via ZOOM and Kahoot for an evening of trivia for the whole family and friend!  Use your computer (and if desired tablet or smart-phone) for fun, fast-paced rounds of questions from easy to hard!  The top three winners (teams) will receive prizes for their efforts.  This platform was beta-tested by a small group of members and friends to great accolades, bragging rights, good-natured ribbing, and a lot of laughter!  To register for this month's trivia game CLICK HERE!  (Single players $5.00 / Teams (2 or more players) $10.00). An email will be sent the week prior to the game with instructions on how to connect online.  Prizes will be awarded for 1st Place and Runner-Up!!

Recommended Technology:  Laptop or tablet, and smart-phone.  We will be using Zoom and Kahoot for this event.  Instructions will be emailed prior to and discussed at the event.  

Recommended Attire:  Team uniforms, silly hats, banners, face paint,  etc. 

The UUCW Website Team is thrilled to roll out our new website. It was developed using a new WordPress theme built by the UUA's Outreach Group. The new look, along with enhanced mobile support, were key features we were seeking. We would love to hear your feedback, both positive and/or critical.  Please contact us at

The Website Team is seeking new members.  There are many different roles available - from monitoring the site for broken links and needed updates, to making edits in WordPress, to managing the backend, technical side of the site. You don't need to be a tech whiz, just someone who is willing to learn. 

We are also seeking members for our new Social Media Team, a group that will oversee the church's presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, working closely with other teams involved in marketing, membership, and outreach efforts.
To learn more, please contact us at
Faith In ActionFaithInAction

Join the National Call-in to Wisconsin with UUCW and UUTheVote

Want to help save our democracy by including more people in the voting process?
What to help change the world one voter at a time?

Join UUCW members and other UUs by phonebanking with UUTheVote on Wednesday, September 30th from 7 to 9 PM ET.  By pitching in, you can help the UUA reach 1 million voters by Election Day.  No experience needed.  If you can talk on the phone, you can do this!

All you need is a phone plus laptop or other computer device and the desire to empower someone with information they need in order to vote.  UUTheVote volunteers provide the rest.

We will be calling people who may not be registered to vote in Wisconsin, one of the swing states.  Training and support provided via zoom. 

Put your faith into action!

Have questions or want more information?  Contact Ruth or Beth at

UUCW Anti-Racism Team Update
Sunday News - Worship Services and Religious Education for 
September 20, 2020SundayNews

"The wind will never change, sir, until you have delivered to us, in that meeting-house, a message from God." These words by Thomas Potter, in answer to John Murray's denial that he was the preacher sent to deliver the message of Universal Salvation in the new meeting house built by Mr. Potter on his farm, begin my reflection this week "What Rides the Wind" as we honor the 250th Anniversary of the arrival of Universalism on our continent.  This service is an opportunity for us to ponder not only our history, but our future as a liberal religious movement and as a congregation.  Universalism's establishment with the arrival of John Murray came at a time when revolution was beginning to stir in our country.  At this moment in our history, with the enormous challenges and opportunities we now face, returning to our roots we ask "what must we do now in order to make our way into a future that embodies what we value most?"  I hope that you will join us for this important celebration of our past, present and future.  - Aaron

 Touchstones For September 22 - 28
2019-2020 Touchstone Ministry Theme 
"Building Beloved Community"  

September Theme - Worth & Dignity

September 22: "Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity." ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
September 23: "Be strong. Live honorably and with dignity. When you don't think you can, hold on." ~ James Frey
September 24: "Death in anonymity is the ultimate insult to human dignity." ~ Kathy Reichs
September 25: "We carry within us a divine spark, and if we chose to recognize it, our lives have dignity, meaning, hope. In her it is bright, a light that heals rather than wounds me." ~ Dean Koontz
September 26: "The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within-strength, courage, dignity." ~ Ruby Dee
September 27: "The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life." ~ Albert Einstein
September 28: "There's no one with intelligence in this town except that man over there playing with the children, the one riding the stick horse. He has keen, fiery insight and vast dignity like the night sky, but he conceals it in the madness of child's play." ~ Rumi

Rev. Aaron Payson
Ongoing Meetings

Monday Meditation is now meeting via ZOOM! 

This is a drop in group and open to all with an emphasis on utilizing mindfulness meditation to enhance our connection to ourselves and others.  We practice for 30 minutes and discuss the practice and often read and discuss a book related to mindfulness and meditation.  We support each other in utilizing the practice in our daily lives to enhance our happiness and well being. During this time of COVID-19, we will be meeting via Zoom.

For the Zoom link, more information or if you have questions please email Wendy O'Leary at woleary25 at gmail dot com.

Lunch with the Minister will be suspended until further notice.  Read the Message for future dates when our lunches will resume.  Take care during these trying times.  I'm available by phone anytime for conversation (774-239-3729). - Nancy Hancock

Community News
(click article titles to see articles on our website)


Sharing my classes for free: Relaxation, healing and meditation through Yoga, Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi and ...

"Believing in a community that unites all people"
Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester 
90 Holden Street, Worcester MA 01606
Phone: 508-853-1942 | Fax: 508-853-2065 | Emergencies: 508-853-1942 ext. 6